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학점인정 매칭

학점 인정 규정

  • 4개의 그룹으로 구분된 과목간 학점의 매칭이 인정될 경우, CETT의 1~2학년 학점에 해당하는 120 ECTS를 인정받음
    • 학점 인정을 위해서는 수강과목의 영문 커리큘럼이 CETT로 송부되어야 함 (본 웹사이트에 명시되어 있는 과목과 일치하거나 유사한 과목 인정)
    • 총 수강시간이 각 Group에서 요구하는 최소 시간을 충족해야 함 [예시. Group 1 = 240시간, Group 4 = 300 시간]
    • CETT에서 요구하는 영어 기준 점수 미달 시, 스페인 현지에서 요구되는 영어 관련과목을 수강하여야 함
    • 2+2에서 최대한 인정할 수 있는 학점은 총 120 ECTS 임
    • 인턴십(Practicum)의 경우, 3~4학년에 걸쳐 유럽 내에서 총 2회를 의무적으로 하게 되므로, 우송 본교에서 인턴십 경험이 있다고 하여도 매칭되지 않음 (단, 유럽 내 인턴십의 경우, 인정 가능)

Subjects Group A: Basic and general subjects related Tourism
[호텔경영 및 관광학과 관련된 전공소양, 교양 및 기본 과목 들]
Woosong University
[Subjects with Contracted Hours]
[Subjects with ECTS]

Law of Tourism (30 Hrs) Required
Tourism regulations (30 hrs) Required

150 hrs are required from:

  • Theory of tourism (60 hrs)
  • Understanding Global Culture (60 Hrs)
  • Principles of tourism (60hrs)
  • Global Leadership 1, 2, 3 (20-30 Hrs)
  • 4th Industrial Revolution and Internet of Things (60 Hrs)
  • Hospitality Terminology (30 Hrs)
  • English for creative performance 1 (30 Hrs)
  • English for creative performance 2 (30 Hrs)
  • English for world citizenship 1, 2, 3 (60 Hrs)
  • Tourism Geography and Economics (60 Hrs)
  • Global Manner and Etiquette (60 Hrs)
  • Sol Personality Education (30 Hrs)
  • Understanding of the Welfare States (30 Hrs)
  • Citizen life and Law (30 Hrs)
  • Understanding the welfare state (30Hrs)
  • Preview of Korean Literature (30 Hrs)
  • Self Management & Self Leadership (60 Hrs)
  • Logical thinking and problem solving (60 Hrs)
  • Cross Cultural Communication (60 Hrs)
  • Critical Thinking and Discussion (60 Hrs)
  • Tourism and Cultural Heritage (6ECTS)
  • Law in Tourism (6ECTS)
  • Tourism and its global impacts (9ECTS)
Once candidates took above subjects with 210
(2 Pre-requisite with 60 hours and selective with 150 hours) contracted hours or more, CETT recognizes above taken subjects as 3 of Group A core subjects of CETT
21 ECTS with 210 Contracted Hours
Subjects Group B: Language subjects [언어 관련 과목 들]
Woosong University
[Subjects with Contracted Hours]
[Subjects with ECTS]
  • Basic Chinese 1, 2 (60 Hrs)
  • Practical English Intensive Course 1. 2 (30 Hrs)
  • Practical English Intensive Course 3 (60 Hrs)
  • Beginning level Chinese 1, 2 (30 Hrs)
  • English Communication Skills 1, 2 (30 Hrs)
  • Intermediate Chinese (30 Hrs)
  • Advanced Chinese (60 Hrs)
  • Global Language (Japanese) (30 Hrs)
  • Global Citizen Communication (60 Hrs)
  • Global Citizen Reading 1(60 Hrs)
  • Global Citizen Writing 1 (60 Hrs)
  • Integrated Reading and Writing (60 Hrs)
  • Conversation for Global Settings (60 Hrs)
  • English for Academic Lectures 1 (30 Hrs)
  • Reading & Writing (RIPE) (60 Hrs)
  • Listening & Speaking (RIPE) (60 Hrs)
  • English in Practice (RIPE) (30 Hrs)
  • English in Conversation (RIPE) (20 Hrs)
  • Applied English Skills (60 Hrs)
  • Presentation Skills (60 Hrs)
  • Freshmen Writing (30 Hrs)
  • English for Academic Lectures 2 (20 Hrs)
  • English for World Citizenship (60 Hrs)
  • Chinese 1, 2, 3 (30 Hrs)
  • Spanish 1, 2, 3, (30 Hrs)
  • French 1, 2, 3 (30 Hrs)
  • Japanese 1, 2, 3 (30 Hrs)
  • TOEIC Listening 3 (20 Hrs)
  • English Communication in tourism I (9ECTS)
  • English Communication in tourism II (9ECTS)
  • Communication in English in tourism: Advanced level (9ECTS)
  • Second Foreign language communication in tourism I (6ECTS)
Once candidates took above subjects with 330 contracted hours or more, CETT recognizes above taken subjects as 4 of Group B core subjects of CETT 33 ECTS with 330 Contracted Hours
Subjects Group C: Intermediate subjects of Tourism [리서치, 호텔경영 및 관광학과 관련한 모든 전공과목 들]
Woosong University
[Subjects with Contracted Hours]
[Subjects with ECTS]

60h are required from Market Research – related subjects

  • Market analysis (Competitor/Customer/Mega-Trend Analysis, etc.)
  • Data management (Desktop Research, Keyword Clouding, Survey, Interviewing methodology, etc.)
  • Data management methodology

90h are required from :

  • Hotel Front Office Operation (30 Hrs)
  • Service Manner (60 Hrs)
  • Hotel Management (60 Hrs)
  • Product and Service Management in the Hospitality Industry (30 Hrs)

60h are required from :

  • Beverage &Coffee (30 Hrs)
  • Understanding Coffee Beverage (30 Hrs)
  • Wine & Spirit Management (30 Hrs)
  • Food & Beverage services Standards (60 Hrs)
  • Food & Beverage Services (Practices) (60 Hrs)
  • Food and Beverage Management (60 Hrs)
  • Café & Casual Dining Operation (60 Hrs)

90h are required from :

  • Event- Festival Practical Management (30 Hrs)
  • Convention Industry (60 Hrs)
  • International Conference Planning Practical management (30 Hrs)
  • Tourism Resource (60 Hrs)
  • Tourism Education (60 Hrs)
  • Casino Industry (60 Hrs)
  • Service Industry Field Trip (30 Hrs)
  • Understanding Corporate and financial affairs (60 Hrs)
  • Understanding Economics and Social (60 Hrs)
  • Cruise Industry (60 Hrs)
  • Accomodation management (6ECTS)
  • Hotel Organitzation (3ECTS)
  • Market Research (6ECTS)
  • Catering management (6ECTS)
  • Electives credits of business management and tourisme services (9ECTS)
Once candidates took above subjects with 300 (One prerequisite with 60 hours and 3 selective categories with 240 hours) contracted hours or more, CETT recognizes above taken subjects as 4 of Group C core subjects of CETT 30 ECTS with 300 Contracted Hours
Subjects Group D: Business related subjects [ 경영/경제학과 관련한 모든 과목들]
Woosong University
[Subjects with Contracted Hours]
[Subjects with ECTS]

180 hrs are required from:

  • Hotel & Tourism Accounting (60 Hrs)
  • Business and Management (60 Hrs)
  • Business Management (60 Hrs)
  • Business Administration (60 Hrs)
  • Principle of Management (60 Hrs)
  • Hotel Tourism Accounting Principles (60 Hrs)
  • Financial Management in Hospitality ( Accounting) (60 Hrs)
  • Basic Accounting in Hospitality industry (60 Hrs)

60hrs are required from:

  • Food and Beverage Management (30 Hrs)
  • Hotel Management (60 Hrs)
  • Resort Management (60 Hrs)
  • Practical Affairs of Hotel rooms Management (30 Hrs)
  • Introduction to the hospitality industry Hotel Organization (60 Hrs)
  • Introduction to Rooms Division Management (60 Hrs)

60 hrs are required from:

  • Hotel Tourism Marketing Practical Strategy (60 Hrs)
  • Marketing Principles (60 Hrs)
  • Understanding Marketing (60 Hrs)

60 hrs are required from:

  • Restaurant Management (60 Hrs)
  • Rooms Division Software Application – Operation (60 Hrs)
  • HR Management in Hospitality Industry (60 Hrs)
  • Economics in tourism (6ECTS)
  • Accounting in tourism companies (6ECTS)
  • Economic and financial management in tourism (6ECTS)
  • Introduction to tourism and hospitality management (6ECTS)
  • Strategic and operational marketing (6ECTS)
  • Electives credits of catering and hospitality (6ECTS)
Once candidates took above subjects with 360 (4 selective categories with 360 hours) contracted hours or more, CETT recognizes above taken subjects as 4 of Group D core subjects of CETT 36 ECTS with 360 Contracted Hours